Resources available at Draft EIS open house meetings

BLM hosted two open house meetings so the public could review the Draft EIS, ask questions of BLM and PCW representatives, and provide written comments for consideration as BLM prepares the Final Environmental Impact Statement about the Chokecherry and Sierra Madre Wind Energy Project. In total, more than 110 people attended the two open houses held Aug. 22-23, 2011, in Rawlins and Saratoga, Wyoming. This page includes links to the posters and handouts available at both events.

PCW posters

About Turbines

PCW handouts

Wildlife conservation
Avian Radar
Avian protection
Project Benefits
Taxes & jobs
PCW Brochure
Overview brochure

PCW advertising

To help publicize the BLM open houses and DEIS availability, PCW placed multiple ads in Carbon County newspapers and mailed postcards to Carbon County’s 5,000+ households, as well as issued its own news release. These efforts complemented official BLM public notices.

Supplemental information

The following e-mail updates were sent to subscribers:

Avian radar system Avian radar system

BLM open house documents

Media contact

Members of the media with inquiries about the PCW wind energy project should contact
, Director of Communications, 303.299.1395.

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